torsdag 12. august 2010
Er du litt lei av Norsk Tipping?
Mange vil nok si at Norsk Tipping utfører et monopol i forhold til tipping her hjemme i Norge. Men nå er det en del som har tatt affære- og tilbyr tipping på nett. Ville det ikke vært veldig deilig å sittet hjemme og slappet av mens man tippet online?
Mange mener i hvert fall det!
onsdag 14. juli 2010
Perlemarkedet i Beijing
Ny artikkel som tar for seg perlemarkedet i Beijing har nettopp blitt publisert på nettstedet Beijing-reiser. Mange vil nok dra innom perlemarkedet en eller annen gang i løpet av ferien sin til Beijing, men det er ikke godt å si når på dagen du egentlig bør dra dit.
Litt informasjon om perlemarkedet:
- Lave priser
- Gunstige prutemuligheter
- Mange artikler som selges over disk
- Utrolig mange turister i Beijing som drar hit for å kjøpe ting
Perlemarkedet i Beijing har i det siste blitt omtalt som et mekka for de som ønsker å kjøpe falske merkeklær, noe det i høyeste grad også er. Perlemarkedet i Beijing er ikke akkurat for de som bare skal ha seg en vanlig t-skjorte.
mandag 31. mai 2010
Har du et stort ønske om å dra til Ayia Napa?
Sommeren står for tur, og fotballsesongen er absolutt i gang. Og i den forbindelse er det stor aktivitet på mange av de typiske charterstedene som Ayia Napa og Berlin. Men det er Ayia Napa på Kypros det skal dreie seg om i denne artikkelen - for flere og flere ungdommer velger å dra til Ayia Napa uten å helt ha fått med seg hva som foregår der nede først.
Til å starte med; Ayia Napa er en ren partydestinasjon. Det finnes ikke noe som kalles en "rolig kveld på byen" når du er ute og drikker i Ayia Napa. Enorme nattklubber med hvert sitt tema preger den ellers rolige fiskerlandsbyen på sommerstid, noe som gjør at byen tiltrekker seg tusenvis av partyklare ungdommer hvert år. skriver i sin artikkel "Ayia Napa - verdens beste uteliv" følgende:
"Tusenvis av nordmenn, svensker og dansker reiser årlig til feriedestinasjoner der du finner billig øl, ungdommelig stemning og verdens villeste uteliv. Ayia Napa på Kypros blir ofte sett på som den store vinneren blant stedene ungdom ferierer i sommermånedene."
Det er kanskje ikke så langt unna sannheten..?
Ta deg en tur innom Ayia Napa i sommer og sjekk ut partylivet der. Vi kan garantere deg to ting; du får sett VM , og du vil ikke bli skuffet over hvor vilt det er der nede.
tirsdag 9. februar 2010
Ikke la fotball bli en dopingsport!
"Ikke la fotball bli en dopingsport!", er det mange som sier. Og hylekoret blir ikke mindre av at flere av de andre store idrettene i verden sliter med akseptable holdninger ovenfor doping. Sykling, friidrett og vinter-sport er blant de mest utsatte sportene. Fotballen ligger foreløpig langt ned på lista.
For når IOC-sjefen går ut og blir bekymret for doping under OL, så er det noe galt. At russere, spanjoler og øst-europeere blir tatt for doping er blitt en vanesak. Løsningen på problemet vil vel mest sannsynlig være å hive ut juksemakerne fra all sport i all fremtid.
Mens dopingpraten går rundt OL i Vancouver hører vi ingenting fra fotballfronten. Verken i Premier League, La Ligà, Tippeligaen eller VM i Sør-Afrika. Ingen bekymrede presidenter går ut i forkant av fotball-VM og ber folk skjerpe seg. Jeg vet ikke om det er fordi fotballspillerne ikke doper seg, eller fordi kontrollene av fotballspillere suger.
Er sporten "vår" så ren som det gis uttrykk for?
søndag 7. februar 2010
Cristiano Ronaldo på Ullevaal... KONGE!
Der de fleste nordmenn ser for seg et tårevått farvel til alt som kalles EM 2012, ser jeg for meg et stjernespekket Portugal som møter opp på Ullevaal til dyst mot Norges beste menn. For det er ikke hver dag Cristiano Ronaldo, Deco og Bosingwa tar turen til Norge for å spille match.
Resten av kampene blir nok relativt normale. Danmark og Island er nok land vi kommer til å slite mot, men hovedkampen for meg blir i hvert fall mot Portugal. Det er ikke hver dag verdens beste spiller kommer til Ullevaal.
tirsdag 26. januar 2010
FIFA World Cup: Group A - who will win, who to say goodbye?
South Africa
World Cup second-worst team, just ahead of New Zealand, will be raised by an enthusiastic home crowd. I doubt that there is enough.
Which NOK helps more is that Carlos Alberto Parreira is brought back as coach.
He has some good results to show for, but the material he has to work with the extreme number of notches worse than what he had to work with before.
Have a couple of good players, but defensively and offensively, it is too weak. A Pienaar in the form can save some credit, but I have found it hard to believe that there is enough.
It's also possible that Parker be suspended for 6 months, so when it gets even worse for a bad team.
My favorite to win this group. They have been satifised with the way they brought themself to the Fifa world cup 2010, and now they are going to win this group A.
They have strong performance during Aguirre, including victory in the Gold Cup, and in addition, they have an excellent stable.
Pardo, Marquez, Salcido, Osorio and Guardado are all players who hold a very high standard.
But the key for Mexico lies in their excellent goalkeeper Ochoa. He has an extreme reaction time and a fantastic range. Bonus is that if he performs in the World Cup, so will the big European clubs make up the eyes, can raise him even more.
Uruguay is a very unstable team, which quickly can be the joker in this group.
Offensive it may be fireworks at times. Suárez and Forlan are both players who can bucket the goal of the functioning of the joints behind.
A somewhat unstable layer of defense can lead to them being chopped for the weak in this group.
But the midfield with such Eguren, Perez and Rodriguez may be the sending Urugay further.
This is not the team it once was.
They have by all means good players, but it is not a team good enough to take World Cup gold in FIFA World Cup 2010.
Central line in particular is France's problem. Gallas is not a class stops, in midfield, it has no real leader. On top, they have no tips that make goals, certainly not on the national team.
Benzema is good, Anelka is good, Henry's good, Gignac is good, but they are not the same players when they play for Les Bleus.
Domenech also has not shown anything to indicate that he can get these players to provide much more special when it comes. Do they look further ahead of Uruguay, but much much longer than that, they do not.
World Cup second-worst team, just ahead of New Zealand, will be raised by an enthusiastic home crowd. I doubt that there is enough.
Which NOK helps more is that Carlos Alberto Parreira is brought back as coach.
He has some good results to show for, but the material he has to work with the extreme number of notches worse than what he had to work with before.
Have a couple of good players, but defensively and offensively, it is too weak. A Pienaar in the form can save some credit, but I have found it hard to believe that there is enough.
It's also possible that Parker be suspended for 6 months, so when it gets even worse for a bad team.
My favorite to win this group. They have been satifised with the way they brought themself to the Fifa world cup 2010, and now they are going to win this group A.
They have strong performance during Aguirre, including victory in the Gold Cup, and in addition, they have an excellent stable.
Pardo, Marquez, Salcido, Osorio and Guardado are all players who hold a very high standard.
But the key for Mexico lies in their excellent goalkeeper Ochoa. He has an extreme reaction time and a fantastic range. Bonus is that if he performs in the World Cup, so will the big European clubs make up the eyes, can raise him even more.
Uruguay is a very unstable team, which quickly can be the joker in this group.
Offensive it may be fireworks at times. Suárez and Forlan are both players who can bucket the goal of the functioning of the joints behind.
A somewhat unstable layer of defense can lead to them being chopped for the weak in this group.
But the midfield with such Eguren, Perez and Rodriguez may be the sending Urugay further.
This is not the team it once was.
They have by all means good players, but it is not a team good enough to take World Cup gold in FIFA World Cup 2010.
Central line in particular is France's problem. Gallas is not a class stops, in midfield, it has no real leader. On top, they have no tips that make goals, certainly not on the national team.
Benzema is good, Anelka is good, Henry's good, Gignac is good, but they are not the same players when they play for Les Bleus.
Domenech also has not shown anything to indicate that he can get these players to provide much more special when it comes. Do they look further ahead of Uruguay, but much much longer than that, they do not.
torsdag 21. januar 2010
FIFA World Cup: Where will Liverpool be next season?
You might know that Anfield is not a place to play FIFA World Cup, and that Liverpool is not a nation. But it interesting to see where the Liverpool-players will be when FIFA World Cup 2010 kicks of in the middle of july. Many players, as Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard, are going to play in the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, and they absolutely need a club to be in when they come home.Bathing ball is just the optimum that could have happened to all ABL supporters and tops a terrible season start for the LFC.
9 matches are done, and I speak now of Liverpool's games, and further opportunities for a possibilities to get a medal in the Premership this year - I know it's the excact same opportunities that England has to take the FIFA World Cup 2010 trophy home to England.
There have been 4 losses and 5 wins. And 1 win and 2 loss in CL
* It started against Tottenham, which I had not seen. But have heard that the victory was fully deserved, and a tame performance of LFC.
* Then grind the Stoke 4-0, everything good again. The game well, and the goals flowed into.
* Then perform the losing at home 1-3 for Villa, after a very tame show. It was a game that should go quickly into the history books as one of Liverpool's worst performances.
* Fighter against Bolton could soon gone both ways, and we talked again about the league title because it showed the winning determination (note that)
* Liverpool win as his second match in a row after crushing Burnley 4-0. Burnley which also scored his first away goals in the weekend ..
* 3 victories in a row is a fact, having inked a victory against Debrecen. A team that does not smell burnt off, at least not when they are away meets one of Europe's supposed best team lost.
* The fight against West-Ham that followed was exciting and fun, where they eventually won 2-3. But in terms of West-Ham's poor season start, it was perhaps not as impressive?
* Then turn the Hull 6-1 in a convincing front position and 5 victories on the staircase in the PL and CL do that thing looks OK. So begins the dark period:
* Defeat against Fiorentina fully deserved. Dedication and win like totally missing, and either the defensive or the offensive set in any manner that completely together.
* Loses 2-0 at SB, and blame that we can not expect so much more there. The game was however also here unimaginably poor from LFC's side, little / no creativity.
* Performing, so to lose against Sunderland, a game that just should not be remembered a long time for us supporters.
* Only in this match against Lyon to score LFC again, and should be scoring more. The skills they do not, and instead of using the mentality of the top teams have to decide battalions of this towards the end, they do the opposite and lose deserved 2-1.
To summarize, we have lost every single match against opposition that is around the level to Liverpool. The game in these battles have been terribly bad for the LFC to be, and there are no referees, bad luck or unfortunate part of a struggle somvi can blame. The victories have come over the evidence against worse teams(Although one can discuss whether West-Ham and Bolton are worse teams of course).
These laws really not good for the rest of the season, and something drastic should be done. I'm not saying kick Benitez, I owe nor the sale of Alonso, and not the owners. I think though Benitez has a helvettes job to do to get the spirit back in the team. The same team that last year played good football against opponents of the same caliber as LFC. The only difference is a right back out and a better right back into. A midfielder out. This should not be NOK to tilt an entire team out of balance as it has now been done.
Torres and Gerrard are otherwise harmed, but the loss of the row started before they got their injuries, and had also participated in the games where the game was just as little inspiration as tonight.
On the other hand, it is with a win against United at the weekend maximum 6 points out of 1st place, and many battles will still be played. Fortunately for us LFC supporters are the other top teams also attended the slams. Things can still turn around, but they should turn around quickly so that LFC hopefully not hooked by both the CL and PL before the November round.
Nå er det ikke lenge igjen til World Cup 2010: South Africa!
Som mange vet, så er det i år klart for at et afrikansk lag skal være vertskap for det velkjente fotball-VM. På engelsk blir fenomenet omtalt som "World Cup 2010: South Africa", og er blant verdenseliten på å arrangere gode arrangementer. Problemer med disiplin, voldssamfunn og infrastruktur kan absolutt være et problem under World Cup 2010: South Africa, men vi håper og tror på at alt skal gå bra under VM.
Sør-Afrikas VM-forberedelser er absolutt i rute! Mange har sett seg forundret på at stadionene er mye mindre enn de som ble brukt både under Tyskland-VM, men også i Sør-Korea og Japan. Vil World Cup 2010: South Africa bli preget av at stadionene er for små, og at ikke nok folk slipper inn?Bekymringer for at VM-arenaer i Durban og Cape Town kan kjøre over budsjettet har også vært heftig diskutert da Sør-Afrika ikke er et av de mest pengesterke landene i verden. Alle World Cup 2010: South Africa-stadioner er satt til å være ferdig innen 31 oktober 2009.
Nå har det vært en del kaos rundt dette med Togos skyteepisode i Afrika-VM, men forhåpentligvis ser vi ikke liknende tilstander under World Cup 2010:South Africa. Det ville i så fall lagt en stor demper på hele arrangementet om vertsnasjonen ikke klarte å holde terroristforsøk unna sitt eget VM.
Det ble også annonsert at Durban vil spille vertskap for VM 2010 kvalifiseringen uavgjort. Dette vil finne sted ved Durban's International Convention Centre på 23 november 2007. Forberedelsene til den første VM på det afrikanske kontinentet er allerede godt i gang, til tross for den siste VM hadde vært mindre enn et år siden. Kvalifiseringen uavgjort vil være den offisielle lanseringen av turneringen og vil bli direkte overført til over 200 land.
The 2010 World Cup vil holde på fra 11 juni til 11 juli. 13 europeiske nasjoner, 5 Asiatiske og Oseaske lag og totalt 8 kvalifiseringer for det amerikanske kontinentet vil bestride turneringen. Vertslaget for World Cup 2010: South Africa, Sør-Afrika, kvalifiserer seg automatisk. De tar sin plass sammen med 5 andre afrikanske land.
fredag 15. januar 2010
FIFA World Cup: Will there be any violence in South Africa?
As the whole world knows, Africa is one of the most violent places to be on earth- many people, especially in the poorest countries, are being killed every day. South Africa is responsible for the life of millions of people when the Fifa World Cup 2010 kicks of in the middle of July 2010. Will there be any violence or terrorist attacks in the FIFA World Cup 2010?
Many wonders why there is a such moment in an African nation. Murders, high rates of crime and low police budget doesn't really fit into a great FIFA World Cup. But as we know, many World Cups in the soccer history have been greatful - many of them in countries like South Africa.
The English National team are worried about the high crime rate in South Africa and will be placed in one of the best and safest hotels in South Africa during the championship. Let's just hope that there will not be any violence or crime in the FIFA World Cup 2010: South Africa!
Many wonders why there is a such moment in an African nation. Murders, high rates of crime and low police budget doesn't really fit into a great FIFA World Cup. But as we know, many World Cups in the soccer history have been greatful - many of them in countries like South Africa.
The English National team are worried about the high crime rate in South Africa and will be placed in one of the best and safest hotels in South Africa during the championship. Let's just hope that there will not be any violence or crime in the FIFA World Cup 2010: South Africa!
tirsdag 12. januar 2010
Will Norway reach any Fifa World Cup soon?
As we all know, Denmark is the only team from the Nortern part of Europe that qualified to the FIFA World Cup 2010: South Africa. Many peopled, especially in Norway, thought that their national team would be one of the best teams in their qualification group. But as we saw, they didn'¨t reach the FIFA World Cup as they hoped.
Personally I think the Netherlands and Scotland will be too strong for Norway. Although we were very close now in the European Championship qualifier I do not think we are when the World Cup. In the championship-whale pimps are usually the top two teams going forward, and the two best teams in this group is undoubtedly the Netherlands and Scotland. On the other hand, there is no doubt that miracles can happen in football, and that Norway is continuing from this group may not be a miracle once, so one should never say never. I hope at least we can do it, but faith has not.
When it comes to qualifying for the Euro in 2012 and the future of Norway in general, I think Norway can have better opportunities. I say with regard to all the young talents in Norwegian football, for example, Nordtveit, Skjelbred, Elyounoussi and Huseklepp. It's not obvious that these players will develop into good football players, but in this field, I have faith.
The struggle against Wales yesterday was terrible, but in the struggle Asked Hareide with a relatively experimental and b-dominated team, and we tend to deliver better football when it comes, so my thoughts about qualification is not based on the struggle in all.
Personally I think the Netherlands and Scotland will be too strong for Norway. Although we were very close now in the European Championship qualifier I do not think we are when the World Cup. In the championship-whale pimps are usually the top two teams going forward, and the two best teams in this group is undoubtedly the Netherlands and Scotland. On the other hand, there is no doubt that miracles can happen in football, and that Norway is continuing from this group may not be a miracle once, so one should never say never. I hope at least we can do it, but faith has not.
When it comes to qualifying for the Euro in 2012 and the future of Norway in general, I think Norway can have better opportunities. I say with regard to all the young talents in Norwegian football, for example, Nordtveit, Skjelbred, Elyounoussi and Huseklepp. It's not obvious that these players will develop into good football players, but in this field, I have faith.
The struggle against Wales yesterday was terrible, but in the struggle Asked Hareide with a relatively experimental and b-dominated team, and we tend to deliver better football when it comes, so my thoughts about qualification is not based on the struggle in all.
mandag 4. januar 2010
FIFA World Cup: Will the Chelsea players be the best?
Chelsea football club is located in the classy streets of the big city London, England. There has always been a remarkable noise around chelsea, and the supporters are one of the best supporters in the whole Europe. But in 2010 there will be FIFA World Cup in South Africa, and many of the Chelsea players are involved. Will the Chelsea players be the high profiles of FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa?
So what if Chelsea score late? Is that the end result or the result after 89 minutes that count?
Is it only Chelsea who do this? No, most of the big teams are good at such things. Just a bit of what makes them so good. Chelsea are often scoring goals after 85 minutes, and many of the players are very fit. This migtht be a key to success in FIFA World Cup in South Africa because of the hot climate in the summer.
To say that they had worn if it was against United instead of Stoke do not have much to say. Had it been against United, they played with a different setting than against Stoke.
The mental setting depends on who you play against so it is speculation that it holds.
Regarding Adebayor he might get some matches quarantine and a fine. Really nasty done to RVP. And not least, very foolish to run 100 meters in order to celebrate his goal in front of the Arsenal fans.
Although they have said both this and that if he he can not behave this way.
When it comes to value him as they did, but when Adebayor and Toure creates a bad atmosphere in the play group so there is nothing more than a good idea to sell them.
If one does not fit in with the rest of the players and the only brawler when it does not help even if you are the best.
Arsenal are a better team without him and Kolo Toure.
But I have to at least say that the Chelsea players on any national team will be good players in the South African World Cup in 2010. I think they will be the best, as simple as that.
So what if Chelsea score late? Is that the end result or the result after 89 minutes that count?
Is it only Chelsea who do this? No, most of the big teams are good at such things. Just a bit of what makes them so good. Chelsea are often scoring goals after 85 minutes, and many of the players are very fit. This migtht be a key to success in FIFA World Cup in South Africa because of the hot climate in the summer.
To say that they had worn if it was against United instead of Stoke do not have much to say. Had it been against United, they played with a different setting than against Stoke.
The mental setting depends on who you play against so it is speculation that it holds.
Regarding Adebayor he might get some matches quarantine and a fine. Really nasty done to RVP. And not least, very foolish to run 100 meters in order to celebrate his goal in front of the Arsenal fans.
Although they have said both this and that if he he can not behave this way.
When it comes to value him as they did, but when Adebayor and Toure creates a bad atmosphere in the play group so there is nothing more than a good idea to sell them.
If one does not fit in with the rest of the players and the only brawler when it does not help even if you are the best.
Arsenal are a better team without him and Kolo Toure.
But I have to at least say that the Chelsea players on any national team will be good players in the South African World Cup in 2010. I think they will be the best, as simple as that.
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